Call Us Any Time: 1300 537 577

About Us
We provide you to feel better which include Economical and Reliable Service, Clean Luxurious Cars,Experienced Drivers, Pay using cards or cash.

We Do More
Than You Wish
We have our own Private Business. We run this Business since many years. Our professionally trained drivers provide fast, reliable and affordable Taxi service. One of the best features about us is that we offer wide range of payment options. We accept all major cards or cash.

Taxi Silver operate most professional cab service which is safe and fast Home Pickup/Drop cab service.

Taxi Silver also provide Airport Pickup Home Drop/Pickup cab service. You can call us,SMS or Book On-Line for your ride

Our Taxis are the original and largest supplier of Australia Taxi's for use as bridal cars anywhere in the Australia

We take you to the places where you want to go, rather than to the places favoured by cruise lines or travel agents.